Emergency contraception is contraception that can prevent pregnancy when used in accordance with clear rules. Contraception is also called the morning after pill or the morning after treatment.
Emergency contraception is a form of birth control. You can
use this method if you have had unprotected sex. For example, if your regular
birth control fails (the condom breaks during sex), if you forget to take your
birth control pills or if you have sex without using any birth control.
There are 2 types of emergency contraception. With the
first, you take special doses of birth control pills. With the other, an
intrauterine device (also called an IUD) is placed in your uterus (or womb).
How do I use emergency contraception?
The first kind of emergency contraception, sometimes called
the "morning-after pill," is taken in two doses. You can start taking
this kind of emergency contraception right away after having unprotected sex.
The sooner you take it, the better it works, but you can take the first dose
within 120 hours (5 days)after having unprotected sex. You take the second dose
12 hours after the first. Your doctor may tell you about other ways of taking
this medicine.
There is a brand of pills made just for emergency
contraception. It is called Plan B (levonorgestrel). Plan B contains only
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also has said that
some brands of regular birth control pills are safe for emergency use. The
number of pills you take in each dose depends on which brand of pills you are
using. To learn more about which pills are safe for emergency use, talk with
your doctor.
An IUD that is placed in your uterus within 7 days after
unprotected sex also can be used as emergency contraception. An IUD is a small
device that can be left in your body for 5 to 10 years. It will prevent
pregnancy during that time.
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This is an introductory explanation of the different types of oral contraceptive pills that may help you to finally select the one that is best for your body. 50 years on, we have discovered that the oral contraceptive pill for women still prevents pregnancy if it is made up of much lower doses of estrogen and progestin than in the early days. ‘The Pill’ used to contain 50-100 micrograms of estrogen and today it contains only 20-35 micrograms, with researchers trying to reduce this amount further to reduce side effects. Synthetic hormones (estrogen/ethinyl estradiol and progestin) used in contraceptive pills mimic the natural hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) produced by the ovaries, adrenal gland and liver.
Estrogen’s main job in the contraceptive pill is to prevent ovulation (release of an egg from a woman’s ovary). Progestin in the pill, while it does have some intermittent effect on ovulation (about 50% of the time) is relied on mainly to thicken the mucus around the cervix to stop sperm from getting through to an egg.
Contraceptive Pills come in two basic types: single hormone pills (progestin only) and combination hormone pills (estrogen + progestin) Pills are supplied in two basic packs- 28 day pill packs= 3 weeks of active hormone pills + 1 week placebo pills and 21 day pill packs= 3 weeks of active hormone pills with no placebo pills.
PROGESTIN only pills ( the ‘mini pill’ ) do not contain estrogen and only have a small amount of progestin in them. Breastfeeding women are often prescribed these ‘mini pills’ (estrogen may cause a reduction in milk supply) as well as women who cannot take synthetic estrogen for medical reasons. Side effects are less than pills containing estrogen and they are not associated with heart disease, however, irregular bleeding /spotting/mood swings may occur. Progestin only pills MUST be taken at the same time each day and are affected by vomiting or diarrhoea. This type of contraceptive pill is not affected by antibiotics.
Bayer’s Yaz Consumer’s Death Probed By Swiss Agency (Update1)
Bayer AG, Germany’s largest drugmaker, said its Yaz contraceptive is part of an investigation by a Swiss health regulator into the death of a young woman who took the pill.
The Swissmedic agency and an investigative judge are looking into the case of the woman, who died from the effects of pulmonary embolism, Bayer’s Swiss health unit said in a statement posted on its Web site yesterday. Bayer is cooperating with the authorities, the company said.
“A singular case, as tragic and sad as it is, does not indicate an increased risk for the whole group of women who take the pill,” Oliver Renner, a Berlin-based spokesman for Bayer, said in an interview today. “Studies have shown that the risk isn’t higher for Yaz than for other oral contraceptives.”
Leverkusen, Germany-based Bayer’s Yasmin, Yaz and Yasminelle contraceptives brought in $1.86 billion for Bayer in the first quarter, and Yasmin and Yaz are the two biggest- selling contraceptives worldwide, according to IMS Health Inc., a Norwalk, Connecticut-based market research company.
Bayer will also probe the matter, said Renner. In a case like that, the company routinely conducts its own investigation, he added.
The regulator was alerted to the “sudden” death of the woman, who had been taking the contraceptive for ten months, Swissmedic said on its Web site. Thromboembolic complications are well known yet rare side-effects of hormone-based contraceptives and the risk is also increased during pregnancy, the agency said.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Karin Matussek in Berlin at kmatussek@bloomberg.net.
prevent pregnancy in women who have had unprotected sex. It can be used following many different situations including rape, unplanned acts of intercourse, or when a birth control method fails. For example, if a condom breaks, a diaphragm slips out of place, or a woman forgets to take birth control pills.
Emergency contraception medicine is not the same as the "abortion pill." A woman who knows she is pregnant takes the abortion pill with the intent to end an early pregnancy (usually 4 to 7 weeks after conception). Emergency contraception pills are taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy from occurring.
Unlike most types of birth control, which must be put in place or taken before intercourse, emergency contraception can be used up to 5 days after intercourse.
Several types of emergency contraception drugs are available.
Birth control pills can be used for emergency contraception. You must take two to five "regular" pills together to equal one dose of emergency contraception.
There is only one FDA-approved emergency contraception pill. The brand name is Plan B. It is similar to some birth control pills, but contains higher levels of hormones. Plan B contains two pills, each containing levonorgestrel, which you take at the same time. It is available over-the-counter for purchase by anyone age 18 and older and by prescription for younger patients.
Emergency contraception pills work best when taken as soon as possible after intercourse. Ideally, the medicine should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, but it may be effective for up to 5 days.
Emergency contraceptives work by preventing or delaying the release of an egg (ovulation).
An intrauterine device (IUD) may help prevent against contraception if put into place within 7 days after unprotected intercourse. An IUD is a birth control device that is inserted into a woman's uterus by a health care provider. However, IUDs are intended to provide long-term birth control for 1-10 years.
Emergency contraception pills prevent about 75 - 89% of pregnancies that occur after unprotected sexual intercourse. Emergency contraception by IUD insertion is even more effective. However, pregnancy still occur in a small number of cases in those who use emergency contraception.
Mild and often unpleasant side effects from emergency contraception medication may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, and changes in menstrual bleeding. Nausea and vomiting are most common when an estrogen-containing pill is used. These side effects are less common with Plan B, which contains a synthetic progesterone.
Some doctors recommend taking a drug to prevent nausea and vomiting (an antiemetic medication) before taking the emergency contraception pills to prevent such side effects.
After taking emergency contraception, a woman's next menstrual cycle may start earlier or later than expected and the menstrual flow may be lighter or heavier than usual. Most women will start their next period within 7 days of the expected date. If a woman's menstrual bleeding does not start within 3 weeks after taking emergency contraception, she might be pregnant and should call or visit her health care provider.
IUD placement has risks of pelvic infection and uterine injury, although these are quite rare. Long-term use of an IUD for birth control may cause side effects, such as heavy menstrual bleeding and painful menstrual cramps.
Women who believe that they are already pregnant and may have been for longer than several days should not take emergency contraception medicine, since their effects have not been well studied. Also, women who have vaginal bleeding for an unknown reason should discuss this with their health care provider before taking emergency contraception.
Women who cannot take birth control pills regularly may often still be able to use emergency contraceptives, but they should also discuss this option with their health care provider.
If emergency contraception fails and the woman becomes pregnant, there do not appear to be any long-term effects on the pregnancy or the fetus.
Emergency contraception should not be used as a routine birth control method, because it is actually less effective at preventing pregnancies than most types of birth control.
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Dalam catatan sejarah, teknologi kontrasepsi telah dikenal sejak jaman kuno, yaitu sejak 2700 SM ditemukannya buku recep di China yang menulis tentang obat peluntur (abortifum), yang diduga merupakan teknologi kontrasepsi pertama kali.
Dalam sejarah Keluarga Berencana, di Mesir telah ditemukan beberapa resep tentang Pasta vagina bertahun 1850 SM, dan tampon vagina yang mengandung obat pada 1550 SM. Obat tersebut terdiri atas akasia tanah, tanaman yang mengandung Gom Arab yang karena proses fermentasi akan menghasilkan asam laktatb yang sampai sekarang dikenal sebagai spermisida. Di India ditemukan catatan bahasa Sanskrit yang melukiskan usaha abstinensi, tampon dan obat vagina. Di dalam Alkitab, praktek kontrasepsi dengan sanggama terputus telah disebutkan. Di awal abad ke dua, di Yunani, telah diletakkan dasar pemikiran kontrasepsi. Di abad pertengahan para dokter Islam seperti Ibnu Sina (Avicena) mengatakan bahwa kontrasepsi merupakan bagian yang sah dari praktek kedokteran, yang terdiri atas beberapa salep, barier vagina dan senggama terputus.
Perkembangan teknologi kontrasepsi pada awalnya berjalan sangat lambat. Setelah secara sederhana seperti di atas berjalan sampai abad pertengahan, pada tahun 1564, Fallopius merancang linen sebagai penutup glans penis dalam melindungi kemungkinan tertular sifilis. Ternyata usahanya mengilhami penemuan teknologi kontrasepsi modern. Pada 1843 kondom pertama yang terbuat dari karet. Pada 1838, mangkok serviks (Cervical cap) pertama ditemukan oleh F.A. Wide, gonekolog dari Jerman. Spermisida pertama dijual di London tahun 1885. Antara tahun 1920 – 1930, dibuat tablet vagina yang dapat melepaskan karbondioksida yang membentuk busa dalam vagina.
IUD (Intra Uterine Devivice) atau AKDR (Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahin) yang pertama dikenalkan oleh Righter tahun 1909 terbuat dari logam, sempat populer tahun 1929, karena efek samping berupa infeksi dan mortalitas yang tinggi, penggunaannya sempat terhenti. Penemuan IUD oleh Ishihama dari Jepang tahun 1956 dan Oppenheimer dari Israel tahun 1959. Pada saat ini AKDR merupakan salah satu kontrasepsi yang paling popular dan diterima oleh program Keluarga Berencana di setiap negara. Sekitar 60 – 65 juta wanita di seluruh dunia memakainya, dengan pemakai terbanyak di China. AKDR termasuk salah satu kontrasepsi yang sangat efektif. AKDR mempunyai kemampuan mencegah kehamilan yang dinilai sangat efektif. Selain kemudahan dalam pemasangan juga mudah untuk lepas spontan (ekspulsi). Sebagian besar AKDR dilengkapi dengan tali (ekor) agar mudah mendeteksi. Bahan dasarnya plastik, Jenisnya banyak yaitu AKDR polos (inert IUD), AKDR yang mengandung tembaga (copper bearing IUD), AKDR yang mengandung obat (medicated IUD)
Kontrasepsi steroid, dalam bentuk pil, diperkenalkan pertama kali tahun 1956 dan 1958 oleh Rock, Pincus dan Garcia. Setelah itu, diperkenalkan pula steroid lain dalam bentuk injeksi, dan terakhir dalam bentuk susuk
Di Indonesia kontrasepsi susuk (Norplent) diperkenalkan pertama kali tahun 1981. Dan pada tahun 1986 BKKBN menerima implant secara resmi sebagai obat kontrasepsi. Di Indonesia. Implant yang dipasarkan oleh Population Cauncil dengan nama Norplant dengan kontrasepsi subdermal yang menggunakan levonorgesttrel (LNG) sebagai bahan aktifnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah pemasangan implant terdapat peningkatan kadar LNG pada darah tepi dengan cepat, gangguan perdarahan merupakan efek samping yang banyak dikeluhkan oleh para pemakai Implant, baik berupa perdarahan bercak, menoragia, amenorea maupun haid tidak teratur.
Keuntungan pemakaian implant adalah keefektifannya yang sangat tinggi (one year pregnancy rate nya 0,2 sampai 0,5 per 100 wanita). Implant dapat menekan ovulasi (<24jam).>
Selain macam-macam kontrasepsi diatas ada istilah yaitu Kontrasepsi Mantap yang merupakan terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris, secure contraception. Dengan nama lain sterilisasi (sterirization), atau kontrasepsi operatif (surgical contraception). Pada wanita sterilisasi lazimnya disebut medis operatif wanita (MOW) yang dilakukan dengan pemotongan dan mengambil sebagian saluran telur (tuba)sehingga dikenal dengan istilah tubektomi. Untuk Pria disebut medis operatif pria (MOP), juga disebut sterilisasi pria (vasektomi). Vasektomi harus dibedakan dengan kebiri (pengambilan kedia testes) karena vasektomi hanya perjalanan.
Masa kehidupan reproduksi wanita pada dasarnya dapat dibagi tiga periode, yaitu kurun reproduksi muda (15-19 tahun), kurun reproduksi sehat (20-35 tahun), dan kurun reproduksi tua (36-45 tahun). Pembagian diatas didasarkan atas data epidemiologi bahwa resiko kehamilan dan persalinan baik bagi ibunya maupun bagi anak lebih tinggi pada usia kurang dari 20 tahun, paling rendah pada usia 20-35 tahun dan meningkat lagi secara tajam setelah pada usia lebih dari 35 tahun. Sebaiknya jenis kontrasepsi yang dipakai disesuaikan dengan tahap masa reproduksi tersebut. Secara skematis kurun reproduksi dan pilihan cara KB dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
sperma dari testes ke dunia luar yang diputus, tepatnya dengan memotong dan mengambil sebagian vas deverens.
Buku ini disusun untuk memberikan panduan praktis yang dapat digunakan sewaktu-waktu oleh tenaga medis yang bergelut dalam bidang keluarga berencana dan pelayanan kontrasepsi, calon tenaga medis, maupun mereka yang menaruh minat dan perhatian pada bidang keluarga berencana. Penyajian yang ringkas didukung paparan beberapa penelitian memberikan gambaran yang lebih actual dan komprehensif terhadap aspek pelayanan keluarga berencana. ( diolah dari berbagai sumber )